Men's postpartum Depression post at the Texas Insight Center with Danny Clark in Houston Tx.

Support Group for New Fathers

Danny Clark, LCSW

It’s crucial for dads to seek support as they navigate the challenges of fatherhood. Learn more about this support group for new fathers.

An image of a new father on the information page of Texas Insight Center's new fathers support group page.

Men benefit most from support

Having a child is no joke. It comes with a lot of responsibility, uncertainty and trust. I know because I have three kids and each one is a different experience. They are older now but the challenges with being a husband are vastly different from being a parent. That is why I have this support group for new dads.

Why new dads? Well, first-time fathers are faced with higher rates of depression and anxiety in the first few months.

Keep reading to find out more about my support group for new fathers.

New Fathers Support Group Details

Below is some pretty straightforward information about this group that I conduct online every Thursday at noon. This is a new group that will begin once enough members join.  If you know other future or new dads who may benefit from this group please share the link. And if you want to learn more about paternal depression check out this article I wrote.

When is the group? The group is held every Thursday at noon and online using a secure Zoom room. (with the exception of holidays and pre-determined dates) 

How much does it cost? The group costs $20.00 per meeting. Meetings are purchased in four session blocks and must be used within 60 days.

What are the requirements for being in the group?  The following criteria are required to be a part of this group:

  • Must either have a partner expecting a child or have already had a child under 1 year old.
  • Must reside in the state of Texas.
  • Participation in the group will require access to Zoom on your device in a private area during the group. 

How do I join?

Please complete the form below so I can speak with you over the phone to gather more information about you, discuss the group agreement, and answer questions.  This is about a 15-minute call. 

Please complete the form below.

By completing this form you are not joining the support group for new fathers. Danny Clark, LCSW will reach out to briefly discuss the group and get additional contact information first.